
This feature is for node.js only.

The oasis.workspace namespace provides easy access to the build artifacts in your local project workspace for deployment. This is particularly useful when testing and is meant to be used when developing oasis-rs services with oasis-cli, as it relies on the oasis-cli configuration file.


Suppose we have the following service:

pub struct MyService;

impl MyService {
    pub fn new(_ctx: &Context, arg1: u64, arg2: u64) -> Result<Self, String> {
        Ok(Self {})

Deploying a service

Then you can deploy it with oasis.workspace as follows:

oasis.workspace.MyService.deploy(arg1, arg2, options);

Where arg1 and arg2 refer to the positional constructor arguments of MyService and options is an (optional) instance of RpcOptions.

Note that the number of arguments will vary per service and the options must be the last argument given.

Using a gateway

You can also fetch the gateway specified in your configuration file and set that as your default gateway. For example,

// Build the gateway object from the workspace configuration file.
const gateway = await oasis.workspace.gateway();

// Set the client's default gateway.


The workspace can be configured using a config.toml file to define the gateway and an optional mnemonic or private key. For example,

endpoint = ''
private_key = ''

endpoint = 'ws://localhost:8546'
mnemonic = 'range drive remove bleak mule satisfy mandate east lion minimum unfold ready'

Environment Variables

Although not recommended (because they are meant to be configured with oasis-cli), one can also override the following environment variables.

  • OASIS_WORKSPACE - Path to the workspace root directory. Defaults to the root directory of the local git repository.
  • OASIS_PROFILE - The config profile to use. Defaults to default.
  • OASIS_CONFIG - Path to the config file to use. Defaults to a system specific path, e.g.
    • macOS and Linux - ~/.config/oasis/config.toml

How it works

When oasis.workspace is first accessed, e.g., via oasis.workspace.MyService the client lazily populates the namespace by searching for target/service/*.wasm files in your local git repository directory subtree, constructing and attaching the found service definitions to the namespace.

For an example workspace, see the template.